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Beyond Repair Page 10

  “Dina, call the realtor. I’m in. I don’t need your investment though. I want and need to do this on my own as much as possible.”

  After that simple call, life became a whirlwind for me. Harrison and I decided I would move into his apartment until we could find a place to live together that we both like. I gave Susan my notice and worked for a month, helping her train someone new. While getting all of that squared away, I applied and received my business license, acquired my storefront, and began my advertising. Within two months, I was in my own shop, living in Charlotte, and settling down. My belongings in storage as Harrison and I haven’t found the right place yet. Business is steady, but I’m still getting my name out there.

  We are all taking the weekend off to go on a motorcycle ride. The Lawson’s and their motorcycle club are coming up and we are all going out to ride somewhere on the North Carolina and Tennessee border. Dina’s nanny is following in the car with baby Lauren so Dina and Ryder can make the ride, but not be away from her long.


  Tiffany and I have ridden to a lot of places together, but I’ve yet to take her on the tail. This is a ride of a lifetime. My parents are meeting us there with all the Hellions. The prospects must complete the Dragon’s Tail ride as their last rite of passage to become a fully patched member. I did it when I was nineteen before joining the Marines. When I got so wild it was the MC that sat me down with my dad and got me on the right path. Dina’s dad was a founding member of the club; Ryder was patched in not long after they were married. We patched Brayden at his five year clean and sober mark. Jake is not patched. We live in Charlotte, the club is based on the coast, and he doesn’t go back with us often. He rides with us and everyone considers him family, but he just doesn’t wear the rockers. Haywood’s Hellions are a great group of guys, a real brotherhood. Some of the affiliate clubs will be around for the ride too.

  With all of our family and friends with us on this scenic ride, I’m going to put it all out there. Saddlebags attached and packed. I’ve adjusted the sissy bar to make sure Tiffany is comfortable and secure on this ride.

  Ryder and Dina, Brayden and Maggie, Jake and Kenna, and Tiffany and I are all ready to go. We ride easily to the meeting point in Deal’s Gap. Having Tiffany on the back of my bike again is soothing. As much as possible I keep my left hand on her thigh as she has her hands wrapped around my waist. She’s not clutching me like she’s scared, just holding me close. I love this woman with all that’s in me.

  My parents are waiting out front for us when we arrive. Knowing I’m ready, I start looking for a location to pull Tiffany aside. The mountain scenery around us, the quiet of a small town, and family with us, it’s perfect. I go to the saddlebags and put the small velvet box in my pocket.

  I find Tiffany off to the side looking over at a mountain. I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

  “You okay? You’re not too sore are you? The ride’s in an hour.”

  “I’m perfect. I’m just watching the hummingbird over there.” She replies.

  “It’s beautiful here. You seem lost in thought babe.”

  “Not really lost in thought. The hummingbird, it just brought some tranquility over me all of a sudden. It’s like everything is exactly how it’s supposed to be. I can’t explain it Harry. I saw the bird and all feels right in my life.”

  Turning her to face me, I drop to one knee in front of her. The gravel under my knee doesn’t feel good, but the nervous energy jump starts my adrenaline quickly dissolving my thoughts of my knee.

  “Tiffany, you are what’s right in my life. I love you. I want forever with you. Will you marry me?” I ask, slowly opening the box to show her the full carat emerald cut diamond solitaire.

  Tears immediately form in her eyes, they trickle down her face as she nods her head yes. With shaking hands I put the ring on her finger. Standing, I wrap my arms around her and kiss her. She breaks off our kiss.

  “Harrison, I love you too.” She kisses me again.

  After sharing our news with everyone, I climb on my bike, my fiancé now behind me. We make the eleven mile ride with ease, keeping a slow pace, so no one lays their bikes down in the three hundred and eighteen curves found throughout the tail of the dragon. Lean left, roll right, and you’re ole lady holding on tight, not a better feeling in the world. Mountain air, the rumble of Harley’s around me, and a true peace and tranquility in my soul, all is as it should be.

  Chapter 21



  We’ve been engaged for six months, planning the wedding. We bought a house in the same subdivision Ryder and Dina live in. Jake and Kenna are next door to them. We are two streets over. Business is good. Everything is perfect.

  For my bachelorette party we had an evening of tattoos, that Sophia joined us in at her shop. She cares for Harrison, but definitely has her heart attached to someone else. I now have a beautiful hummingbird on my foot with the word tranquility around it. Harrison has brought tranquility to my life. He’s grounded me, calmed me. He’s given me strength and encouragement. He’s held me up so I wouldn’t fall down.

  Today is the day all my dreams come true. With our closest friends and family we are going to commit our lives to one another forever. Elodie is here to be my maid of honor. Maggie, Dina, and Kenna will all be standing with us as my bridesmaids. Harrison’s dad, Harold is standing in as his best man, followed by the boys. The ceremony is back in Emerald Isle, on the beach, in front of Dina’s house there. The girls are wearing simple purple sundresses and no shoes. My dress is simple, form fitting strapless top, with a loose flowing bottom to the ground.

  The music starts announcing my time to make my way down to my future.


  The moment I saw her in that dress, she took my breath away. Today I commit myself fully to her. So many thoughts are running through my head as the time arrives for our vows. I look over at the memorial candle burning for Matt. I know he is watching over us, always our angel.

  “Life is short, tomorrow isn’t promised. I want every breath I have left to breathe, to be one loving you, Tiffany. Today, before our family and friends, I, Harrison, take you Tiffany to be my wife. I take you as you are, accepting who you were, loving who you are, and who you are yet to become. I promise to love you unconditionally and without hesitation. I vow to love you, encourage you, trust you, and respect you. Today you become my wife, and I your husband. I promise to care for you, stand beside you, share with you in all of life’s challenges and all of its joys, from this day forward and for all of the days of my life. You and me against the world, babe, always and forever.”

  With tears in her eyes, Tiffany begins her vows. “Today you become my husband, and I your wife. You’ve always been the one I wanted, Harrison. More so, you’ve always been the one I needed. You’re my calm in the storm, my tranquility amidst the chaos. You’re my rock and safe place. Today, I promise to love you unconditionally and without hesitation. I vow to laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will share in your struggles and triumphs equally, from this day forward and for all of the days of my life. You and me against the world, baby, always and forever.”

  We exchange rings with an I love you. I kiss my bride with every bit of love I’ve ever had. Today is the best day of my life and I’m finally complete.


  5 Years Later


  “Maggie, how the hell do I tell him this?” I ask in a panic.

  Maggie is laughing hysterically at me. “With baby rattles silly. Come on lets go get them.”

  “Maggie, this isn’t like being an aunt and uncle for us. We can’t send them home after we spoil them.”

  “You guys will be fine, Landon and Cole love you.” She replies. My nephews, Landon and Cole, Maggie and Brayden’s sons, are amazing. They are all boy. Fearless dare devils, those two are and into everything. Brayden now over ten years clean and sober. They all
live next door to us which is nice to see our nephews so much.

  “And Kenna and you will be less than two months apart. This is going to be great.” Maggie replies, still giddy at my current situation.

  “Um, yes, easy for Kenna, she’s done this before.” I retort, feeling unprepared. Kenna and Jake have a son, Jake Jr, and another baby on the way.

  “Just think, boy or girl we all have you covered. Dina still has all the girls, stuff even though they are done having babies.”

  “They have two girls, Dina may say she’s done, but Ryder is still holding out hope to get a boy.” Yes, two nieces, I have thanks to Dina. Lauren Renee and Jennifer Rose are the princesses of our group. Those two little girls bring each of these tattooed boys to their knees with a smile and a please.

  Harrison and Brayden have been gone for three weeks at a car show, then an auction. They will be home in an hour or so. I’ve been sick with what I thought to be the flu. At the doctor’s office I found out we’re expecting a bundle of joy all our own. They did an ultrasound to determine how far along I am, sure enough I’m pregnant, and nine weeks along. Maggie and I go to the store and pick up a pink and blue baby rattle. I guess this is how I’m going to tell him.

  An hour later, I’m on the couch when Harrison comes in.

  “Hey baby.” He says before kissing me. Damn, I love this man. I still get lost in our kiss, ready to take him to our bedroom. He feels the item in my hands and pulls away.

  “What’s this?” He questions.

  “Oh, um here.” I hand him the rattles. He studies them.

  “Does this mean what I think it means?” He asks, a smile forming across his face. I can only manage to nod.

  “When did you find out?” He says pulling me closer as he kisses my forehead.

  “Today. I haven’t been feeling well, as you know. Maggie took me to the doctor. They had me pee in a cup. It was positive. We did an ultrasound to see how far along I am. Do you want to see your babies?” I ask.

  “Of course I want to see our baby.” He responds. I pull out the ultrasound.

  “See that little nugget?” I ask. He looks at the small black and white blur.

  “Yes, is that it?” He asks. I nod.

  “See that other little peanut right there?” I ask. He nods his head, it’s not sinking in.

  “Harry, honey, we’re having twins.”

  The End

  What’s next from Chelsea Camaron?????

  Look for

  Haywood’s Hellions Motorcycle Club Series

  Coming 2014

  Looking for something to read in the mean time?

  Author Renee Peterson The Brothers of The Bayou Series

  The Best Laid Plans

  The Best of Intentions

  The Best Is Yet to Come

  Author Amy Cox

  Out of the Wreckage

  Changing Fate (Bright Wood Press)

  Thankful (Bright Wood Press)

  About the Author

  Chelsea Camaron has a love for old muscle cars and Harley Davidson motorcycles. She currently resides in Southern Louisiana with her husband and two children. She was born and raised in Coastal North Carolina and her heart is always Carolina day dreaming. Her love for reading has sparked a new love for writing with a few projects currently in the works. She is a big kid refusing to grow up, she spends most days playing with her kids, embracing her inner five year old.

  I love hearing from my fans, feel free to email me at

  Follow me on twitter @chelseacamaron

  Like the Facebook fan page to keep up with all future project news, updates, and sneak peeks.



  To My Readers: Thank you for your support and encouragement. I hope you have enjoyed the journey that has been the Daddy’s Girls series as much as I have. Without you, there would be no reason for me to write, so from the very bottom of my heart, thank you and I love you.

  To My Hubbub and Kiddos: Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for putting up with me, for eating pizza more nights then you cared to so that I could work on these books. Thank you for encouraging me and reminding me I’m loved no matter what. I love you, my misterman, always. K and D, my two babies, I hope you never forget to reach for the stars, go for your dreams and let nothing or no one stop you. The two of you have made me who I am today, you are my world. My diva and my little man, you have my heart, I love you both.

  To My Mom and Dad: Thank you for the lessons you taught me in life. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, thank you for the crazy curfew of the streetlights being on. The little rules you had, the things you taught me have turned into some great inspiration in my books. Seriously, I love you both and can’t say thank you for everything over the years.

  To Mom #2: Thank you for feeding my addiction to reading. Thank you for your son, my partner and my everything. Thank you for loving me as your very own. Thank you for supporting me, always. Thank you for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you for keeping me focused on the positive so the negative didn’t eat me alive.

  Camaro’s……..nuff said baby!

  To Bobo and your Marine: Thank you Bobo for being my number one cheerleader. I love you, my sister. Thank you and your Marine for the sacrifice you make for our freedoms. I’m proud of you, my brother in law, even if I don’t tell you enough. Here’s to another ‘when pigs fly’ moment for our family (can you believe I did this, I can’t). I couldn’t have done any of this without you inspiring me, Bobo, thank you.

  To Monica: We have been together through thick and thin. Thank you for the true friendship we’ve always shared. To your mom and dad, thanks for being a second family when we were in high school and on. Here’s to the shenanigans we found ourselves in when we were young and to the shenanigans our children will now get into as we are along for the ride of parenthood. Love ya bunches, girlie.

  To the Semper Fi Smiths: Carolina dreamin’ always. Little Harrison~ yes, I will show this to your girlfriends when you’re older. No, you’re not allowed to be rebellious and get pierced. Love you guys, and thank you for your sacrifices for our country.

  To Matt’s Family: Your boy is always with us. You are all in our hearts daily. We will never forget him or you. Laura and PeeWee, you raised three amazing children into incredible adults. His life, all too short, left a life- long impact on those who knew him. Stevie- always the strong older brother, we know you miss him more than we could ever imagine. Carrie- what a woman you have become. We love you, sweetie, always. Your brother loved you dearly and is watching over us all now. Love you guys more than I could ever put into words. Missing Matt always and I don’t know how to express the loss that will always cut so deep, but to carry him with us every single day, everywhere we go.

  To A Few Special Ladies: Author Renee Peterson~ every step of the way, I can’t say Thank you enough.

  Carol~ it’s time to share your man. The first person to have a taste of Harry and truly fall in love with this story. Thank you for the encouragement, the laughs, and the never ending claiming him as your very own.

  Jennifer~ you are amazing, thanks for your input throughout this story. Thanks for being an amazing personal assistant.