Beyond Repair Page 5
Before I can reply, she hangs up. What the hell just happened? Did my dad really give away all of my childhood belongings? I didn’t have much left at their house, but still, who gets rid of their child’s stuff to make room for a damn dog?
This is it, completely on my own now. Candice’s call proves that my father is done with me. I’ve been thinking on what I want to do. I made a list of my hobbies. If I’m going to change careers I should make it one I love to do. I happen to love to bake. There is an ad in the local newspaper for a cake decorating class at our community college. At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to go or not, but now I have my answer. I’m going to take that class and I’m going to open a confections shop.
This feels right. It feels like I’m picking up the pieces of my life.
The past few weeks have been non-stop. Dina is fine, she’s home being pampered by Ryder and Maggie. It looks like in eight months I’m going to be an uncle. Maggie and Brayden have been away on their honeymoon. Since Dina and Maggie have a business together, Dina took on too much work in Maggie’s absence. Not knowing she was pregnant, she stayed too busy, got dehydrated and fainted. Kenna, Jake’s wife, is stepping in to help more for the weekend events so Dina can take better care of herself and the baby. Maggie is back at the office for the weekday stuff, as well as running the weekend events. Together, we will all make sure both Ryder’s garage and Dina’s business stay strong while those two take a step back and focus on their growing family.
I’m at work with Jake and Brayden. We are busy, but that’s the usual. Jake, who is in the Army reserves, keeps giving me this shit eating grin all day long. Finally, we catch a moment to shoot the shit over lunch. Maggie was thoughtful of us all when she brought Brayden lunch and brought enough sandwiches for everyone. Sitting down in the lobby, Brayden joins in with Jakes new found expression.
“Cut the shit boys, what’s the deal?” I ask.
Jake is grinning now. “Nothing man, it’s just that it’s your turn man. One by one, we have all succumbed to the ball and chain. When are you and Sophia going to get serious? You’re no spring chicken, old man.”
“Shit, Sophia doesn’t want that. I’m not the ball and chain kind of man.” I reply, feeling slightly despondent about my situation. Not that I will ever openly admit that to the guys.
“Women want it, Harrison. They want the fairytale shit. And you know what? It’s our job as men to give it to them.” Jake states, between bites of his sandwich.
“Really, fucker, you’re going to say that shit to me? I do recall, helping pull your head outta your ass where marrying Kenna was concerned. How’s that working out for you, lover boy? You sure as shit are happily married now. I can’t believe you.” I retort, sharply, making my agitation known.
“Hey man, I’m not trying to piss you off. My bad, dude. I thought I could help push you like you helped me that’s all, seriously.” Jake says.
“Nah, man, sorry for being a moody prick. I know, I gotta get my shit straight. This Tiffany shit has messed with my head. Matt and all that, I just need to pick up the pieces and get back on track.”
Chapter 13
Maybe It’s Time
Finally, I have found my niche in life. Cake decorating not only makes me happy, but I’m good at it too. Who wouldn’t be happy smelling sweet, delicious confections all day?
Being comfortable in what I’m doing, I actually started to open up. Elodie and I met the first day of class. Her mom owns a local bakery. She’s twenty eight like me. Elodie is going through a bad divorce. Her mom said she would hire her if she took the cake decorating classes. Apparently Elodie’s mom, Susan, loves to bake, but doesn’t have the patience to teach someone to decorate.
With my business background, Susan has hired me as well. She wants to expand her business and thinks I can help with growing her current clientele. This gives me an opportunity to use what I currently know, while expanding my experience in all things baked goods. There is more to it than making a pretty cake. Cookies, pies, puddings, pastries, and specialty goodies, as well as, the fudge are all parts of what keeps Susan’s Sweets going. Susan was smart because her business isn’t solely reliant on cakes. She has a fairly large amount of regulars stopping in for pastries in the morning, and buying snacks for later in the day. If she could pick up some strong business contracts to provide snacks for meeting rooms or break rooms, it would give her a regular, dependable income to the business, in addition to what she’s currently doing. When I suggested this, Susan hugged me tight, smiling in appreciation. I’ve written some proposals and delivered them to a few businesses.
The pieces to my life are falling into place slowly. Elodie and I are going out to dinner tonight just to hang out. Dressing in jeans and a V-neck pink top, I slip on my flip flops and head out. Now that I’m no longer under my father’s scrutiny I can go out in casual comfort. Smiling at my new found freedoms, I head out to meet my new friend.
Elodie is already seated when I arrive. I join her, order my drink, and scan the menu. Settling on what we want, we order our dinner.
“Tiffany, I know we haven’t known each other long, so if I’m overstepping just say so, okay. What is the deal with you and Harrison? You talk about him all the time, he texts or calls daily, but you never mention a boyfriend.”
The mention of his name causes butterflies in my belly and a smile to cross my face. “El, we are friends. I’m new to the girl talk thing, I forget to share sometimes. Harrison is my ex. We were in a long term relationship. I messed up and for a couple of years we didn’t talk. Circumstances brought us back together in a way to build a solid friendship. He’s my friend now, nothing more. He has someone else in his life.”
“Are you sure you’re just friends? I’ve never known a man to be so attentive to a female friend without wanting more.” Elodie states. She’s searching my face as if she’s looking for clues to the truth.
It’s now or never. Knowing this is the time to trust someone, I share all of my past with Elodie.
“I’ve been a bitch for so long, Elodie. I don’t have friends. I had Matt who loved me for all my faults. My attitude and the fear of my father’s rejection cost me any future with Harrison years ago. He’s seen firsthand how my dad is, and understands that now. He’s supportive of me, but anything beyond friendship won’t happen. Elodie, you are the first girl that I’ve ever had as a real friend. I hope this doesn’t change your opinion of me.”
“Tiff, you’re my friend; this doesn’t change anything. It makes some things make a little more sense. My asshole ex ruined all my friendships. When you get married, you have a responsibility to someone else. I got busy being Jeff’s wife and forgot to maintain Elodie’s life outside of Jeff. Then, I had Josie and became a mom all by nineteen. My so called friends didn’t understand my life because they were all out partying and being young. The few friends that did hang around after I became a mom slowly disappeared as Jeff’s attitude got worse. Now, I’m alone; I don’t have friends to comfort me, I don’t have Jeff anymore. Outside of being Josie’s mom, I’ve not been happy in years. I understand the need to find yourself, Tiff. I think we are going to be great support for one another.” She says smiling up at me.
We finish dinner, giggling and talking as if we have been friends for years. For the first time ever, I’m relaxed around someone other than Matt and Harrison. A gentleman walks over carrying a chocolate brownie dessert.
“Good evening, ladies. I thought you could enjoy a dessert.” The stranger says while placing the dessert in between Elodie and myself.
“Thank you, I think.” I stammer, not sure why he’s here.
“My name is Alex. You are beautiful when you smile. I wanted to introduce myself and ask you for your number.” He states, confidence oozing off of him.
He’s handsome enough, if you like a man in a suit. His blonde hair short, crystal blue eyes only further highlighted by the gray in his suit and the blu
e tie he’s wearing loosely around his neck. He’s attractive, but he doesn’t make my belly flop. Elodie is grinning at me across the table and giving me the look of ‘go for it, girl’.
“This is very kind of you, Alex. My name is Tiffany, and this is my friend, Elodie.” I say. Deciding on a whim, I pull out my old business cards that have my current cell phone number on them. I hand it to him with a small smile.
“Thank you, Tiffany, I will be in touch. I have to go finish my business dinner. It’s been a pleasure meeting both of you. Enjoy your dessert and think of me with every lick of your spoon.”
With that, he walks away. Elodie is laughing now, as I’m left dumbfounded.
“Cocky bastard isn’t he.” I say.
“A man who can say that to a stranger must be rocking in bed, girl.” Elodie says between giggles.
“I don’t know right now, but maybe I will find out.” I say with a seductive smile across my face.
Alex may not give me the instant lust I feel for Harrison, but he’s handsome. It’s time to move on with my life. I’ve only been with one other man before Harrison and that sucked.
Harrison taught me about sex, what feels good, and about knowing my body. When Harrison first got out of the Marines, he was wild with rebellion and angry at his discharge. We had been drinking one night while watching porn. I admitted to being turned on by the man’s Apadrayva piercing. Within an hour, Harrison and I were at the tattoo and piercing shop. After a lengthy conversation with ‘Star’ our body piercing specialist, Harrison was getting multiple Dydoe piercings making a Kings Crown. It’s known to increase sensation not only for women but for the pierced man as it brings back the feelings usually lost in circumcision. Feeling brave, and turned on, I got both my nipples pierced. I hide the jewelry additions and no one but Harrison knows of them to this day. After we both fully healed we spent countless hours, learning just what great additions our new jewelry was.
Will Alex know what to do with my nipple rings? How to tug and pinch to send the sensations straight to my core? Will he feel as good if he’s not pierced? Curiosity is getting to me; yes, I hope Alex does call. Maybe it’s time I give someone a chance and let them love me. Funny, every lick of chocolate off my spoon has me thinking of the stranger in the suit.
Tiffany and I talk or text daily. She seems to be settling in. I’m happy she found a job doing something she enjoys. My brain is finally calming down from worrying about her. Work has kept me busy. I haven’t seen Sophia as much as I would like. She invited me over for dinner tonight. We need to talk and this is the perfect opportunity.
I finish at work. Once home, I quickly shower and change clothes to go to Sophia’s. I arrive as she is taking the enchilada casserole out of her oven. One of my favorite meals; tonight is off to a good start. We eat, chatting about normal day to day stuff. Before we get further into the evening, I need to share with her what happened with Tiffany. We’ve both been busy and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to really discuss it.
“Soph, I want to talk about us. I also need to talk about Tiffany.”
“Did you sleep with her?” Sophie immediately blurts out.
“No, we didn’t have sex. Things happened I’m not going to lie to you, but I didn’t sleep with her.”
“I know you are now ‘friends’ with her. I get that Harrison. I wish I had someone like you around a few years ago to support me. I need to know, have you found closure from your past with Tiffany?” Sophia says with her demeanor becoming one of fight or flight.
“Yes, I have closure from my past with Tiffany. I understand things now that I didn’t before. And I’m here for you now if you will let me be.” I say at a loss for what she’s referring to in her own past.
She doesn’t speak she gets up, comes over and perches on my lap. “Harrison, I make no promises for a future with you. I can’t give you my heart, it’s already taken. I can’t get it back and I don’t want to. I can give you a little more than sex. We can be friends, confidants, and partners. I can’t give you my heart. I care about you but I can’t promise a long term future.”
“What holds you back, Sophia? I don’t understand. You know I care about you, and you just said you care about me. Why can’t we do more than fuck? Why can’t we get serious?” Anger now building inside me.
“Harrison, I don’t want to talk about it. I want you to know exactly what I can give you. I’m giving you more than I’ve given anyone in years. Maybe one day, in time, when things are smoothed out, we can have it all. No promises though. Right now, this is what I can give. Is it enough for you Harrison?”
Before I answer, she kisses me. Her scent invades my nostrils, passion overtaking me. It’s more than we had and a maybe for our future. I will take it and go with it. Life is short, no more regrets. Breaking away from her kiss, I growl.
“Bedroom, now.” I command.
We are both stripping as we make our way down the hall. In the bedroom, Sophia lays on her bed, waiting for me.
“For now, are you mine?” I ask, wanting her to own my claim on her.
“Yes, Harrison, yours.” She whispers.
I reach into the nightstand. Pulling out the long, black, silk scarf, I begin to blindfold her. Once secure that she can no longer see, I pull one arm up to the back of her head. Bending her elbow, I secure her wrist behind her head with the end of the scarf using to blindfold her. I follow suit with the second arm. She’s now gloriously naked, with her hands tied behind her head, blindfold in place, and her other senses now heightened.
Anticipation takes arousal to new places. I stand over her, close enough she can sense me, and far enough away that she knows I won’t touch her. She arches her back, pressing her breasts out. Her firm, taut nipples are calling out for attention. Wiggling her ass, her pussy is aching for the slightest of releases. I stand back still waiting. Her breathing quickens, desire, expectancy, eagerness, and keenness all taking over as I do nothing. She knows I’m going to ravish her body, she doesn’t know the moment or the way.
Taking my middle finger behind my thumb, I sharply flick her erect nipple. She cries out from the simple touch. I retreat, leaving the room only momentarily to grab an ice cube from her freezer. Coming back to find her still squirming, I smile. I reach over with my now very cold fingers and firmly pinch her other nipple as I come down hard with my mouth on her other breast. Fire and ice as my mouth devours her areola and puckers her nipple when I suck. With my hand, I’m swirling the ice cube around her other breast. She arches further, seeking more, whimpering with need.
I move up now nipping at her collarbone. I let my ice cube filled hand travel south, circling her belly button. I dip a finger in, rotating around like I will soon be mimicking inside her pussy. Her hips are coming up, seeking the same devotion shown to her breasts.
“Be still, Soph, its coming. You’ve tortured me knowing I’ve wanted more; now take this as I choose to give it to you.”
With no further teasing, I take the ice cube and insert it in to the outer edge of her core. She gasps, unprepared for the cold sensation. I have not yet touched her clit or given any other attention to her needy pussy. I circle the ice cube, gently in and out, not allowing her additional contact or friction. Her body trembles in want. I move down, stopping to suck on her belly button, giving her a taste of how my tongue is about to overwhelm her pussy.
I reach my destination, inhaling her musky scent of arousal. I loudly suck in the remainder of the ice cube with my mouth, tasting cold water flavored by Sophia’s own juices. Using my tongue I tease her pussy lips, blowing my warm breath on the cold skin of her opening. I take her clit, sucking and licking. I insert a finger into her core; she’s dripping, so I add another. I keep a steady pace of finger fucking while licking up every bit of her that I can. I feel her tightening around me, as she is on the edge, I withdraw my fingers. I take the skin just in the fold of legs and pussy and pinch firmly. Sophia cries out incoherently at the unexpected pa
in in her stimulated state. Her orgasm begins and I keep my mouth in place, licking, sucking, and pushing her for more. As she comes down, I move up her body, pressing my weight onto her as she is shaking in aftershocks.