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  I kiss her hard so she can taste herself on my tongue. Needing my own release, I flip her over, leaving her blindfolded, hands behind her head. I push her knees up under her, pushing her ass up in the air, keeping her face buried into the bed. I cover myself with a condom.

  “You want my cock now, Soph?” I ask. She doesn’t answer just nods her head in agreement.

  “I asked you a question. You gonna answer.”

  “Yes, Harrison, yes, I want your cock, now.” She cries out.

  Without giving her any warning, I come down hard, smacking her ass. She groans at the sharp pain. I come down again in the same spot, creating a beautiful blush to her tanned skin. Before she can think about my next move, I enter her from behind, hard, fast, and all the way. Balls deep in Sophia, I pause to feel the responsiveness of her pussy gripping and milking my dick. Once I’ve composed myself to hold back my release at the tightness of her core, I begin pumping into her at a furious pace. The rough contact pushing Sophia’s head further down into the mattress, I continue the onslaught. This is banging. Fucking. Raw, rough, uncontained banging. I reach down, releasing her arms and the blindfold. I lock my fingers into her hair and tug her head back. The sensation on pulling her hair sends Sophia over the edge. Her knees give out at her orgasm, her body collapsing beneath me. I pull out, turn her over. Allowing her a moment to pull through her release, I massage her legs, kissing gently on her belly and breasts. As the aftershocks subside, I rub the head of my penis over her sensitive clit, letting my piercings hit in a gentle massaging pattern. I enter her as I wrap her legs around my waist. I begin pumping in and out of her again, this time at a considerate pace. Her pussy milking me, I feel the build of her climax coming so deep in my balls its pushing me to my edge. As my own climax builds, I take my mouth and capture her nipple, sucking in. We both reach oblivion together. Spent, her legs fall off of me. I get up and dispose of the condom. By the time I’m back to her bed, Sophia is asleep on her side. I get in, snuggling this beautiful woman to me. My body satisfied in its release, I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 14

  Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

  (3 Months Later)


  Classes complete, I’ve been enjoying my job. Elodie and I have girl’s night out once a week. Josie visits Jeff every other weekend. Some of our girl’s nights are spent pampering ourselves and an amazing nine year old little girl. The others are just the two of us.

  Alex and I have been seeing each other. He’s a real estate broker. His schedule doesn’t leave us much time together. He’s nice enough, definitely the country club socialite my dad always wanted me to date.

  Harrison still texts every day and we talk once a week. Things seem solid for him. I miss having him here, the phone isn’t the same. My phone chimes alerting me to a new text.

  This is Maggie. Here’s my # give me a call this week sometime.

  Since I’m at work, I simply reply okay. The day passes quickly. Alex and I have plans so I don’t get a chance to call Maggie.

  Once again, Alex and I have an uneventful date. We have dinner at an upscale Italian restaurant followed by a chaste kiss goodnight on my doorstep. I don’t mean to sound conceded but I’m an attractive woman. Why doesn’t he ever try anything? I admit he doesn’t spark the passion in me the way Harrison does, but damn the boy doesn’t even try.

  Distracted in my day to day activities, I forget to call Maggie, again. Today is Sunday and I’m cleaning my condo. My phone rings for my usual Harrison call.

  “Hey, you,” I greet.

  “Hey you, how’s it going?” He asks.

  “Oh you know the usual, working hard, playing hard, and living the life.” I say with a chuckle.

  He’s laughing when I hear a doorbell in the background. “Hold on a sec, Tiff.”

  I hear the rustling of the phone being laid down. In the background, I can faintly make out a woman’s voice.

  “Hey Harry, whatcha up to?”

  More rustling as he picks up the phone. “Hey Tiff, Mags is here, can I call you back later?”

  Before I manage a response the phone is being shuffled once again.

  “Hey Tiffany its Maggie. Sorry to intrude, but I need to talk to you.” She pauses so I take this moment to reply.

  “It’s good actually. I got your text but forgot to call. Sorry about that. What’s up?”

  “Dina and I have a wedding booked to host in Myrtle Beach. We want to hire you to do the cake. I can email all the details. Dina won’t be travelling with me. She’s preggo and staying close to home. My friend, Kenna, who helps us on weekends will be coming with me. We will be staying there for four days. Maybe you can do the cake and we can find time to hang out?”

  Damn, Harrison must have told Maggie something because she’s never invited me anywhere.

  “Sure, Harrison knows my email. Get the info over and we will work something out.”


  2 Months Later

  Elodie came with me to deliver the cakes. Susan is keeping Josie so we can have a girl’s weekend getaway. It’s Friday, we arrive at the hotel and unpack quickly. We have a smaller cake to set up for the rehearsal dinner tonight. Upon our arrival at the restaurant we see Maggie. I introduce Elodie, and she introduces Kenna. Once we complete our set up, we continue on, helping Maggie with their centerpieces. The four of us fall into an easy comradory and banter, as if we’ve been friends for years.

  The following day we all busy ourselves in wedding tasks. Sunday night we are well rested and ready for a night out. We are meeting Maggie and Kenna for drinks down at Broadway on the Beach. Now belly up to the bar, Maggie’s already lining up the shots.

  “Girls just wanna have fun.” She says with a smile that screams trouble. “Drink up bitches.”

  We all take our shots and laugh. An hour later we’ve all had a couple of shots and feel the alcohol kicking in.

  “Tiffany, I thought you were a bitch. You’re not though. Harrison talks about you all the time now, ya know. More than he did when y’all were fucking.” Maggie blurts out. Dumbfounded I keep quiet. “He won’t admit it, but he loves you.”

  “Shhhh. Maggie, shut up. Sorry girls, Maggie is little miss loose lips when she’s drinking. I’m sure Harrison wouldn’t appreciate her spilling his secrets. Plus, he’s with Sophia…….sort of.” Kenna says, trying to quiet Maggie’s ramblings.

  “What do you mean, sort of? They are together. Harrison and I have a history, and we share a common loss. We aren’t together like that Mags. I wouldn’t do that to him or Sophia.” I reply, curious as to what these girls know.

  “Fuck it, Kenna, let’s get real. I love Sophia, really great girl. She’s strung my brother along by the balls for two years though. I know, I know, they have an ‘arrangement’.” She drags the word arrangement out and uses air quotes for emphasis. “Harry wants more and she’s never willing to give more. I don’t know what her deal is, but I know my brother. He wants what he once had with you Tiffany, and more.”

  “What we had was a good time between the sheets, Mags. There was no depth to our relationship, not like the friendship we now have. I’m not going to lie, I cared a lot for your brother back then. I care a lot for your brother now.” The alcohol is relaxing my inhibitions. I need to shut my mouth.

  Another round of shots down, Elodie decides to add her two cents. “Tiff, you know you love him. You know you want him. I get that you don’t want to mess up what he has going, but from these girls talking, it doesn’t sound like what he has going is all that great.”

  “El, you know there is more to it than just Sophia. I’m dating Alex. Plus, Harrison and I are in a good place with our friendship, no need to complicate anything.”

  “Alex, who’s Alex?” Maggie asks. “Is he hot? What’s he like in the bedroom?”

  I know I’m blushing at her last question. I don’t get to answer before Elodie is laughing loudly and answers for me.

  “Alex is this stuffy guy in a suit
. Cute, yes; hot like Harrison, hell no. And what guy doesn’t try to bang a hot piece like Tiff on the first night, much less months later without even a make out session. Alex needs to move on.”

  “I think he’s trying to be a gentleman.” I answer, knowing damn well she just vocalized my every thought.

  “Gentleman, my ass.” Maggie retorts. “Knowing my brother, you know what it’s like to be fucked seven ways to Sunday. If you haven’t slept with Alex, it’s because he doesn’t have a clue what to do with you, not because he’s a saint.”

  “What does my sex life matter to you?” I say feeling defensive.

  “Simple, we’re married. We love our men, but damn you get to spice it up. Until you’re married we let our inner sluts live vicariously through you.” Kenna answers in her drunken state.

  “I’ve never been with anyone but Harrison. I don’t think that makes me much to live through, sorry to disappoint.”

  Kenna and Elodie let out a giggle as Maggie rolls her eyes. “Sheesh, are Dina and I the only girls to let our girlie parts play a little before we settled down? Kenna has only given it up to Jake. If my brother has his way, Tiffany, your who-ha will always be all his. I know, I know, Kenna, don’t let out Harry’s secrets. We all see through it, whether he will admit it to himself or not. We love Sophia, but Harrison is different when he talks about you. Since, I can’t talk about that and Alex isn’t getting laid…..Elodie, what about you? Who are you fucking?”

  Elodie almost spits her drink out on me. “No one, I’m in the middle of a divorce from my cheating husband, Jeff. I don’t have time to date; I have our daughter to raise.” She says solemnly.

  “Well, damn. Good thing Brayden and I have it a little wild, you gals are boring.” Maggie says.

  “Harrison has it wild, Maggie.” I say laughing hysterically.

  “When I found out he hooked up with Sophia, I knew then he liked it wild.” Maggie responds with a wink. “I want him to have his wild but also his rock. We all need a partner to weather the storms with. Sophia can’t give him that. She is too distracted in her own world to be what my brother needs. Sophia is my friend, I love her, but she’s wasting Harrison’s time and preventing him from seeing what’s right in front of him.”

  “He’s happy with her Maggie.”

  “He’s comfortable with her. He’s happy, deep down in your bones blissful, with you. He smiles when he talks to you. Hell, he actually talks to you on a regular basis. Don’t get me wrong, he talks to Sophia, but not like he does you. It’s genuine with you, he cares, he is curious about whether you have a good day. Its routine and duty with her. These are observations that anyone close to Harrison can see. Even my mom sees that he is different with you. When they came for the funeral, she watched how attentive and compassionate he was towards you. Harry’s not like that. He’s rough, unemotional, and cold at times. Mentioning your name, he softens, he smiles a real smile, and he gives off a welcoming vibe. I’ve never known him to be like this with anyone but you.”

  Taking in all of Maggie’s words, I remain silent. We finish girl’s night out with no further discussions of Harrison’s feelings towards me. I’ve never had so much fun before. Maggie and I really seemed to connect. Kenna even plans to keep in touch with both Elodie and I. Knowing this I smile inwardly; Matt, I really am making friends and letting people in. I’m not alone anymore. I’m learning to stand on my own, be myself, and love me as I am.


  Maggie and Kenna have returned from their weekend event with Tiffany. They both keep going on and on about the fun they had. Hearing Maggie talk like she and Tiffany have been friends for years brings me immeasurable happiness. I’m not sure why their friendship is affecting me like this, but it is.

  I’m on my way to Sophia’s shop to get some new ink. She’s got her station all set up for me to settle in. I have enough space left on my upper arm for a Roman Catholic cross with Matt’s initials around it. I get in the seat; shirt tucked appropriately, and settle in for the tattoo. We aren’t far into the process before Sophia asks the question I’ve been waiting for.

  “What is Tiffany to you now that Matt’s gone? I get that you have a past relationship. Matt is dead, he’s not coming back. What’s your obligation to her?”

  Her words sharp and cold; a bitter reminder that she doesn’t understand the friendship I shared with Matt. It stings, the realization that the woman I’ve spent two years with doesn’t really know me like I thought. The bond Tiffany and I share is incomprehensible to her.

  “She was with me when I was lost. I’ve seen things, babe. I’m not the man I was before. I’ve seen things that can’t be erased. Nothing is easy anymore. I can’t turn a blind eye to what goes on for others. She was with me when I was injured; we weren’t even together, in a serious way, at the time. She sent care packages the entire deployment. When I got back stateside because my knee was too far damaged, she was with my parents at the hospital. She dropped everything in her life, to be by my side. When I was angry about being discharged, she let me get it all out. I threw things, cussed her out, and yelled at the top of my lungs. She stood by day in and day out, letting me sort through it all. When the pain was overbearing and physical therapy exhausting, she was there massaging my tight muscles, relaxing me back to a calmer place.”

  “She loves you, do you realize that?” Sophia says in a whisper.

  “Yea, I guess she does in her own way. Outside of Matt, all Tiffany had, and has, is me. She’s doing well now. She’s made friends, got a job, her own place, all without her dad and without me or Matt holding her hand. I know it’s hard to understand, but Tiffany and I aren’t together like that. Yes, she messed up and pushed me away. I now know it’s not because she was ashamed of me, but because she didn’t know how to be independent. She didn’t know how to face her father’s rejection. She’s stronger now and will one day have her happiness. She’s even dating someone. Why the sudden concern for Tiffany and what she is to me? I’m with you Sophia.”

  “She’s important to you. Things are different now that she’s back in the picture.”

  That’s all she says on the subject. The tattoo is finished in relative silence before we head to her apartment. Inside, I kiss her slowly, teasing her lips with my own. As she opens her mouth seeking more, I merely wisp my tongue across her top lip before sucking on her bottom. After the tattoo shop conversation, I’m determined to take things slow and gentle with her.

  After slowly undressing her, I lay her down on her bed on her stomach. I grab a bottle of baby oil out of the nightstand drawer. Moving her hair off her back and neck, I put a small amount of oil on my hands, rubbing them together to warm it up.

  I massage her neck slowly, working out every knot. As I begin to knead her shoulders and upper back, I lean down to nibble on her ear lobes. Reaching her sides, I push my large hands along her ribs, lightly brushing the tips of my fingers on the under skin of her breasts. This motion sends shivers through her sensitive skin. Knowing the gentle manipulation is getting to her, I continue to focus on maintaining a slow, gentle pace. Once at her ass, I lean down and brush my nose and lips across her completely relaxed back. She’s moaning in peaceful bliss. At the juncture of her ass and tops of her thighs, I teasingly rub my fingers across her folds and asshole. I make my way, down still kneading and working her tired muscles. Her legs becoming jelly in my hands.

  Once I’ve made it all the way down to her feet, I pause to get comfortable. There are thousands of nerve endings in a person’s foot. I take her left foot in my hand, bringing it to my mouth. I blow across the bottom of her foot before I nip the arch area. The unexpected pinch causes Sophia to squeal.


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