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Restore My Heart (Daddy's Girls) Page 6
Restore My Heart (Daddy's Girls) Read online
Page 6
Before I could stop myself, I ask, “When are you coming home?” It just rolled off my tongue naturally as if we had been living together for years. Shit, I don’t know what his thoughts are about us, much less about me being here in his space, asking him to come home. I feel like a moron. There was a longer silence than I would have liked before he answers, “Sunshine, how I wish I was with you right now. I planned to be back before you woke up. Honestly, though, I will be here for the next few days just getting sleep here and there on the couch in our lobby area. Things are a mess and I need to work.”
I hear Jake in the background, so I quickly get off the phone with Ryder mainly so I could hide my disappointment. Since Ryder won’t be returning to his home, I gather my things, lock up and leave.
Once home, I decide to soak in the bath tub. What an amazing night? Part of me knows that Ryder really cares for me but the insecure side of me starts to wonder. Maybe it’s not about our desire for one another, maybe it is bad timing? Being self-employed requires a serious level of commitment and devotion. With his focus needing to be with work maybe it’s best not to attempt to start a relationship. I don’t want to be an added stress. Maybe I should back off?
Ryder owns the best classic car restoration and modification garage in the state. He has a waiting list over eight months long to take on new projects. Brayden always liked it just being the two of them so Ryder limited his projects to only six or seven at a time. This way as they wait on parts to ship in for one car they could work on another. Usually the work was divided completely equally with Ryder putting in extra time to do the books, it is after all, his capitol that started the business even though he not only paid Brayden hourly, he split the profits with him and even had a retirement plan set up for him.
Jake is an army reservist, he just got back from being activated and doing a tour in Iraq. He is Ryder’s childhood friend; he works a few days a week at the shop to help out when he can. I am thankful Ryder has Jake to help.
I get out of the tub, put on some comfortable sweatpants and tank top. Feeling like the worst friend for not returning Maggie’s call, I look at my clock; it’s now almost ten pm. I decide to listen to my voicemail before calling her back. I am not sure if she knows what went down between Ryder and Brayden.
My first message was Maggie, “Hey chick, how was last night? You better call, I am waiting for details girlie. Love ya.”
The second was Ryder, “Hey baby, I hope you are still sleeping, I am sorry I had to leave. Call me when you get up, Sunshine.”
The last message was Maggie again, “Dina, I know its short notice, but Brayden wrecked his car, we had to go to the hospital. He has a broken nose, two black eyes, they thought his jaw was broken but it’s just bruised badly, and he has two cracked ribs. The car is totaled he said because the frame is bent now. Anyhow, he’s taking it pretty hard, Ryder told him to take some time off and recuperate. He wants to go away for a few days; I know we don’t have any events going on this week so I would like to take a short vacation with him. If you need me that is fine, I know this is short notice, but if not I would like to take the week off. Call me back when you can. Love ya.”
I sit here even more curious as to what happened between Ryder and Brayden. Having watched first hand, how hard Brayden has been working, also knowing he loved his car and it’s now gone, I am sure he needs this vacation. I don’t want to call and wake Brayden if he was resting so I text Maggie,
Take the week off and take care of your man. You both have been working hard. Go by the office, you know where the money bag for our tips and bonuses is. Take it all to pay for your trip. You have earned it. We will catch up when you return. Love ya, bestie, be safe and have fun.
I knew we had almost $8,000 in that file cabinet and I was saving the money to give Maggie a vacation anyways. It may not give a trip to Paris, but it could give them a nice vacation in the United States. She immediately text back,
Oh, Dina, you are the best ever. I will find you a souvenir. Love you see you for next Monday girl time.
With that, I climb into bed, wondering exactly what was going on with Brayden and whether Ryder is missing me as much as I am missing him being next to me as I lay down in my very empty and small queen size bed.
I feel Dina stir in my arms before I realize my phone is going off. At first, I had no intention to answer it, the girl of my dreams in my bed; oh no, I am not answering my phone. When it rang the second time, I decide to look. The caller ID, showed it was Brayden, so I answer, “Hello.”
“Now that your sorry ass is back in town do you think you could manage to get your dick out of Dina and bring yourself to work?” Before I can respond, the anger begins to boil inside me, he continues, “Ryder its complete bullshit that you left, you come back, and are more worried about a piece of ass from D then your business.” Now I am pissed off, so I get up and began to dress, he continues on, “Then again, you were more worried about going off with Valerie then business. What, Val not good enough in bed for the long term, or just a new piece of ass like Dina too appealing?”
Damn him for ruining my morning. Now he is yelling into the phone, “Sitting back making all the money off my talents. You are a true piece of shit, Ryder Davenport.” I can hear stuff being tossed around and I am hoping he is not at the shop trashing it. Taken aback by Braydens words and anger, I realize I just need to go into the shop and get off this phone fast. So I quickly put on a shirt, telling him, “Shut the hell up B, I am on my way into the garage.” I hang up on him because I really want to bash his face in. Who does he think he is?
I look over to my bed, and Dina is sitting up, like she is going to leave. My chest hurts at the thought of her climbing out of my bed ever. She is so beautiful just wrapped in my sheet, her hair disheveled and a glow bought about from a night of thorough satisfaction. Saying bye to her so suddenly is leaving me feeling raw. This is not how today should be going.
After convincing Dina to stay I go to my garage, deciding to take the Harley so I can unwind before I get my hands on Brayden. I am so full of rage I need the release of the bike before I beat the shit out of my longtime friend.
When I arrive at the shop Brayden is crazed. He has thrown stuff everywhere. The garage bays have cars worth more than his house and he has taken and bashed in the fenders and pulled out the lights on a 1923 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. I am stunned, at the damage my own employee caused to a client’s antique car. I don’t even look at the other cars afraid of what I might do to him. There are busted oil containers with oil leaking everywhere. Tools all over the floor, tool boxes turned over, the entire garage was ransacked.
The rage inside me is at a boiling point, “what the hell are you doing?” I yelled at him.
Brayden doesn’t answer. Instead the bastard swings out at me, his fist connecting with my jaw.
“You have lost your mind, bro,” I said as I slam him into a wall. “Reel that shit in man and let’s talk.”
I release him, and then he tries to punch me again. This time I was prepared, I ducked. Now seeing red, I have had enough of this bullshit. My fist came around hard and fast, connecting with his face. Blood poured freely out of his lip and nose, I knew I broke his nose to the point it would need resetting. He is persistent, spitting out the blood in his mouth and still trying to hit me. The fight escalates, he got in a few blows, finally I punched him so hard in his side, we both heard his ribs crack. At that he stopped coming at me, too busy trying to catch his breath.
“I don’t know what the hell your deal is man, but you have crossed a line. I called every day; you said it was busy but fine. Jake was here three days a week, sometimes more, he never said it was out of hand. All you had to do was tell me I would have been home and you sure as shit know it.” I am attempting to shake off some of my steam as I spoke.
“If this is about money, you know, Brayden, you get paid more here than you would anywhere else. As for talents, I can do all the work you can and
you know it. So take some time and get your shit straight. It is my business; it is my money, period end of story on that one, bro.”
I grabbed him by the shirt, looking dead in his eyes, “As for Valerie, you know damn well why I was there. Friend or no friend, let me make this next statement perfectly clear, if you ever talk about my relationship with Dina again, it will be more than a broken nose you will be worried about, are we clear?” I shrugged his shirt s I released him.
“Crystal.” He replied as he walked off breathing hard and leaving a trail of blood behind him.
I call out behind him, “when you get your head out of your ass call me.” I have a huge mess to clean up so there goes my plan to return home to Dina. Man, the thought of going home to Dina, it just feels so right.
I call Jake to come in and help me by filling in until Brayden and I can sort things out. I don’t know for sure what is wrong with him, but I have my suspicions and it’s not good for anyone close to him.
Jake and I spend most of the day cleaning up the shop. I try to call Dina, she doesn’t answer, and I only left a message once. Jake and his girlfriend Kenna live next door and Jake told me her car was in my drive when he left so I am hoping she is still sleeping. Just thinking of her in my bed, wrapped in my sheets, just makes my heart beat a little faster.
After cleaning up, ordering the parts for the Rolls-Royce, inspecting the damage to the other cars we had in the bays, Jake and I got started on a 1957 Cadillac restoration since we had the parts in for it. My jaw is sore and tight from the handful of hits Brayden managed to get in.
My phone rings, it is Dina, smiling hurt, but just hearing her voice I couldn’t help myself. I can’t hide the stress or tension in my voice so I don’t even try. I know she can tell something is going on. Oh how I wish I was there with her instead of in this mess. I give her a basic run down leaving out a lot, especially the physical altercation with Brayden. This situation is not something I want to discuss by phone with my sort of girlfriend.
When I had to tell her I couldn’t come home to her I heard the disappointment in her voice. My chest tightened knowing I am letting her down. All I keep thinking about is our future; I need this business to provide for both of us. This type of thinking is new to me but it just feels right. When I think of my future it is with her, and not just as my girlfriend, or lover, but as my life companion, my wife.
With these thoughts at the fore front of my brain, I know somehow, I am going to have to make time for us to be alone, uninterrupted to just talk. I need to express how I feel and my heart aches to know where she stands on a future with me.
Jake leaves around midnight, I keep working, though trying to get caught up. I can’t keep Dina off my mind. I know she is attracted to me; I am pretty sure she cares for me. I don’t know if she wants a serious relationship, is she even ready for that after Michael? I would buy a ring tomorrow if I knew she wanted that commitment. She is my every dream in reality; I have never felt what I feel for her. I want to start each day with her in my arms and end each day with our bodies connected in pure love. Yes, I am hopelessly in love with her and I need her to know it.
Chapter 15
I spend Sunday relaxing. Maggie called to tell me she and Brayden decided to go to Miami for vacation. I wished her well, hoping whatever is going on with him would be resolved through this time away.
Ryder is still working. I am tempted to take him coffee and dinner, but I don’t want to crowd him. We do chat briefly on the phone and a few text messages. It is nice to know he is thinking of me too.
Monday arrived and with no Maggie here for girl time, I decide to go into the office for a bit. First though, I stop at our coffee shop to pick up some coffee and cinnamon buns.
Smiling as I pull up to Ryders garage, knowing he will be surprised. I see Jake’s truck and I am glad I bought extra everything.
I walk in and my smile drops as I see Ryder’s face. His jaw is swollen and purple in color. I look over to see the cars that just last week were almost finished now with dents, and some even back in pieces. Oh Ryder, Brayden, what happened here?
Ryder walks over taking the coffee and pastry box from my hands. He sets them down and kisses me so wonderfully and thoroughly that I go weak in the knees. He holds me up; as he ends the kiss I am left wanting for so much more. He holds me close; resting my head on his chest I can hear the rhythm of his heart beating. Being like this, in his arms, nothing has ever felt so right to me. I could spend forever just like this.
When we finally separate, I look up seeing his bruised face, I ask, “Ryder, babe, what happened to your face?” He sighed, ran his fingers through his hair in a clear attempt to stall. His answer was short, and stern, “Brayden happened.”
“What?!” I practically shout. He laces his fingers into mine, guiding me into his office.
I sit in his chair while he leans against his desk. He informs me of Brayden’s temper tantrum and the resulting altercation. I can feel the tears running down my face before I can even acknowledge that I am crying. Just thinking of what Ryder is going through, wondering what has gotten into Brayden, and now my very best friend is on vacation with a clearly hot headed, angry, man.
Ryder reaches out pulling me to him, “Baby please, don’t cry, I didn’t want you to see me like this.” I sniffle, “Ryder, Brayden told Maggie he wrecked his car and that is how he got hurt, that is not the truth is it?”
Ryder snapped quickly away from me, realizing what I was asking, I could see the distress on his face as he answered, “No, Dina, his injuries were not from wrecking his car. Please, baby, please know he hit me first, he destroyed my shop, my client’s cars, and I gave him plenty of opportunities to back off and he just wouldn’t. I promise you, Dina, I don’t have that kind of anger in me to lash out normally. I don’t have it in me to ever hit a woman. Dina, you are safe with me. Please, baby, don’t let this change us.” He seems utterly broken.
I make my way over to him, realizing that he thinks my tears from my past situation. I wrap my arms around his waist, looked up into his eyes, “Baby, you are my safe place, always. Not for second do I worry you hurting me like that.” Emotionally you could crush me worse than any physical pain because I am so in love with you, but I refrain from that admission.
He relaxes, embracing me. I continued, “My concern is for Maggie. He lied to her, asked her to go on a vacation. Ryder, I gave her money to go away for a week with him.” I cry harder, “Maggie is all I have, what have I just sent her into? I don’t know what has gotten into Brayden as of late and I don’t want my best friend hurt.” Unable to stop sobbing into his chest, “she is my family, Ryder.”
He kisses my forehead, “Brayden loves Maggie. His anger is toward me over money. He won’t hurt her and maybe this vacation is just what he needs.” Then he leans down, brushing his lips ever so gently over mine and whispering, “You are wrong Dina, Maggie is not all that you have. Baby, you have me, every part of me from the moment we met, for now, and for always, that is a promise.” I just cry as he holds me, knowing I have found my safe place. I am so in love with this man, he is my companion, my lover, the half that makes me whole.
As the week goes on, I get into this routine of taking dinner to Ryders after I finished at the office. We eat dinner in the lobby of his garage. Jake was now working there full time so a couple of nights he and his girlfriend, Kenna, joined us. The guys are working super long hours, but Ryder refuses to miss any deadlines, even the ones Brayden took on without Ryder agreeing. I am pretty sure he is sleeping on the couch here and only going home to shower and change.
Ryder looks exhausted but determined. I help where I can, enjoying being back in a garage. Even if I am just handing him tools, I cherish being able to spend time with him. My body ached for his touch. The schedule he is keeping is out of hand, there is no way to fit in anything else and the last thing I want is to be an extra demand.
Maggie called or text at least once a day. She sou
nded relaxed and happy for the most part. On Thursday, she seemed a little off so I asked if she was ok. She just said Brayden went to town without her and she was disappointed thinking would have proposed by now. When she said, she was ready to come home; I offered to get her on the next plane. It was then she laughed a genuine Maggie laugh, saying no she still had time for him to propose she wasn’t going to miss that.
I know in her heart she really thought this was the opportunity he was waiting for to take their relationship to the next level. She has talked about getting engaged more than enough times that Brayden has to know she wanted it. Inwardly, given his recent behavior I am glad he hadn’t proposed yet. I want my best friend happy, but I want old Brayden back so I can feel secure in their future together. I can’t help but wonder if maybe the pressure was some of Brayden’s issue with money. Buying a ring, and being prepared to provide for someone else long term is a big commitment so maybe he is ready, but stressing over the financial aspect of it.
I am really missing Ryder, my body in such a need for a release only he could provide. So Friday night, I stopped by the shop. He smiled when I walked in. He kisses my forehead, “Hey baby, you want to order pizza for dinner?” I give him a wink, and pull him down to me whispering, “No, baby I don’t want dinner tonight. What I want is just dessert and that dessert is you. So, I am just here for a moment to ask you that tonight when you get ready to leave to go home and shower, rather than going to your house, why don’t you come to mine? You don’t have to stay long, I know you have to work, but I have a shower and would enjoy having you naked at my house for a bit.” With that I kiss him and then walk away so I can hurry home, knowing he won’t be too far behind.
After such an unexpected start to my weekend, I spend all of Sunday working. The Cruising the Coast car show on the gulf in Mississippi is coming up and I have a car to finish and be delivered for that show. I have until the Turkey Rod show in Florida to get the Rolls-Royce finished, but now having to order parts I am pushing myself to make that deadline.