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Beyond Repair Page 7

  I bite my way back up her body. At her knees, I bend them under her, putting her pink pussy in my face. Pinning her legs down, I begin to lick and then pull back, the tease causing her to rock back seeking more. My hands on her legs still massaging as I take to a torturous tease to her pussy.

  “Please, Harrison, give me more. Fuck me, damn it!”

  Ignoring her pleas, I continue sucking only to pull away, licking only to stop and blow.

  “Spank me, Harrison, do something, give it to me hard. Stop this slow shit and fuck me!” She’s now demanding.

  “Oh no, baby, tonight is slow. Tonight, I’m not going to fuck you, Sophia. I’m going to cherish you.”

  Before I can stop her, she flips over underneath me. She’s now face up, legs wrapped around my waist pulling me onto her. As I stop my downward movement, trying to slow down the onslaught that is to come, she comes up and kisses me. All coherent thoughts now abandoned as lust over takes me. She’s wrapping a condom around me before I can even comprehend that she had one in her hand. I slam into her tight core without warning or forethought to stop myself. Lost in lust and sensation, I roll us over allowing Sophia to control our pace. She rides me hard and rough, leaning her hands back on my thighs as she arches her back. Our bodies slapping against one another loudly. My climax is building, wanting her with me; I reach between us and rub her clit in a furious pace. She falls forward onto me sobbing as her orgasm courses through her body sending me over the edge. The buildup of waiting gives her an additional dose of adrenaline and is now subsiding as the sensations overtake her.

  I feel my chest wet with her tears. Not knowing why, I gently move her off of me. I move into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I return and pull her into me in the bed. She’s quiet, unusually quiet. Something is wrong.

  “Sophia, baby.” I say, but before I can finish she’s put her hand on my mouth to quiet me.

  “Not right now, Harrison, please.”

  Deciding now isn’t the time; I rub her back in small circles until she finally drifts off to sleep. No matter how hard I try, sleep evades me. I need to know what’s really going on with Sophia.

  Chapter 15

  The Truth Will Sent Someone Free


  Time flies when you’re having fun…..or so they say. I believe time flies when you’re busy. Work is great; Elodie, Susan, and Josie are like family, but Alex that is an entirely different circumstance. We’ve been dating well over six months now and yet we’ve shared nothing more than a chaste kiss. When I’m with him, I feel like a piece of arm candy. It’s like being under my father’s wing again. The chemistry, the spark, it’s always been lacking, but his demeanor to parade me around at business events gets old.

  We are at an evening cocktail event tonight. Another country club affair that will bore me to tears. We are seated before I can take notice of the place cards surrounding us. The bustling activity around me momentarily distracted me from the approaching couple. Movement beside me drew my attention. There in all their pristine perfection was none other than my Dad and Candice.

  “Good evening, Tiffany. Pleasure seeing you here.” My father states with a knowing glint in his eyes. He reaches behind me to greet, a now standing, Alex with a handshake. “Alex, how are you this evening? Partnership is getting closer for you each day so it would seem.”

  My upbringing in these situations calls out for me to plaster a smile on my face and trudge through. The newly independent and strong woman inside me is screaming to be turned loose.

  “Alex, what is going on?” I ask trying to calm my voice as my entire body begins to shake.

  “Nothing, dear, we are attending a charity business dinner for my job. Mr. King is my boss, sweetheart. I would introduce you, but it seems you already know one another.” He says all too calmly.

  “Alex, I need to leave.” I manage to get out. Part of me knows I’ve been played while the other part of me wants to believe Alex is innocent. Either way, I need to escape my father’s presence. His continued leer is making my stomach churn.

  I start to push my chair out, as Alex grips my arm firmly and uses his leverage standing to push my chair back.

  “Eh, eh, eh, not happening. Behave yourself Tiffany there is more riding on tonight than just our relationship.” Alex whispered in my ear.

  Becoming numb, I settle in at a loss for what to do. Dinner starts, my appetite now nonexistent, I pick at my plate. My Dad has been sitting stoically beside me the entire evening. At dessert he leans over to me and whispers.

  “Tiffany, you could have it all again. No need to work for minimum wage for that small bakery, you could have the BMW back. Alex can provide for you in ways that you are accustomed to.”

  “That’s what this is about. You sent Alex after me, to do what exactly?” I’m trying to hold back tears as it slowly sinks in that everything has been a lie. Alex didn’t like me for me.

  “Alex is to remind you what life was like before your loyalty to Matt consumed you. Matt’s dead Tiffany, he’s not coming back. Why suffer by hanging out with his people when you could have your life back to the way it was?”

  Seething in anger and sadness, I stand up. “Life the way it was - no amount of money will ever make me want to go back to that. You’re all hung up on presentation and material things. There is no genuine love or care. Matt and his friends are the only ones to ever love and accept me just as I am. I will gladly work minimum wage until the day I die doing something I love than spend one more second in your presence.” I grab my clutch and walk away, never looking back.

  Outside, I reach the courtyard, when I hear Alex call my name.

  “Fuck off douchebag. Lose my number. Go be my Dad’s bitch, you have no balls anyway.”

  I hop in the back of my Dad’s town car knowing Bill, his long time driver, won’t refuse me. Once home, I get in comfortable clothes, grab the ice-cream and cry over the evening, over my life, and over everything. I wish Harrison was here to comfort me, to make me laugh, and to tell me it will all be alright. I’ve sealed my fate now. My Dad will never forgive my behavior tonight. That door is closed and although another loss hurts, it feels good to know my future is completely free of him.


  Holding my niece for the first time is surreal. Dina and Ryder are now the proud parents to a precious baby girl. Lauren Renee Davenport captured my heart in a single breath. They are all settled in at home being showered with attention. My parents came to visit, Maggie has practically moved in with them, Kenna lives next door, and I visit daily.

  Sophia has stayed away and for the life of me I don’t understand why. She’s avoided talking about her emotional state from the other night and still refuses to let me be slow and gentle. We are all going to Jake and Kenna’s for dinner, Sophia included. Baby Lauren will be there so Sophia will have to come out of her self-induced shell.

  Dinner begins relatively quiet. Lauren is sleeping in her carrier, content to be surrounded in love. We all chat amongst each other. Lauren begins to fuss, a cute whimper that quickly becomes a raging wail. Dina, and everyone else at dinner are so focused on the babies new eruption, they miss the look that crosses Sophia’s face. I don’t however. Her next statement doesn’t surprise me either.

  “Harrison, I’m not feeling so well, can we please leave?”

  “Sure.” I respond simply.

  The ride to her apartment is one in silence. Sophia is lost in her own thoughts. I plan to change that, something is going on and she needs to let me in. At her door, she tries to send me away, but I’m having none of it. I follow her inside.

  “Okay, Soph. What gives?”

  Without warning she lets loose. “I told you my heart belongs to someone else. My son. Yes, Harrison, I have a child. I was fifteen and I haven’t seen him or his father since two days after he was born.”

  Stunned by her omission I stand there as she sobs hysterically.

  “I told you I have no future with you. He’s thirtee
n years old. I have five more years to wait. Once he’s of legal age, I hope he will understand what happened. Until then, my life is stalled. No one can love me and I can love no one beyond my son. My heart aches daily for the little boy I never got to hold.”

  I reach out to hold her, comfort her, and provide solace. She pushes me away.

  “No. No more Harrison. You’ve been a great distraction, a way to pass the time these last two years, but it’s over. Hearing baby Lauren cry reminded me. I must remain diligent and focused in having my life together for him. I dropped out of school, gave up on everything but art after his grandfather took him from me. Since my mother lost her job in all of this, I used my art to help support us after the payoff ran out.”

  At the word payoff, I gasped. My reaction sent her into a tailspin.

  “Yes Harrison, a fucking payoff. My mother is an illegal immigrant. She came to America to make a better life for me. What did I do? I thought I was in love with the son of her boss. I lost my virginity to him, became pregnant. When his dad found out, he threatened that if we didn’t sign over custody of the baby, my mother would be deported. The papers drawn up and signed before I even knew what exactly I had agreed to. I had two days in the hospital with my baby before he was gone. They fired my mom, but had given us enough money to relocate from Texas. We moved around a lot until we got here and I was able to really have a solid clientele. Thirteen years I have survived with not a day going by that I don’t miss my child.”

  I sink down onto her couch. I’m speechless, unable to complete a thought.

  “Sophia, there are people who can help you. I will help you. You don’t have to wait five more years.”

  “Yes, I do Harrison; I have a no contact order. I’ve saved twice in the past to have lawyers look at my case. The papers I signed even as a minor hold tight. I promised myself I would not allow my heart to any man again until I met my son as a man. I promised I would not allow myself to be cherished or loved until I had the other half of my soul with me. Until I have my son, until he knows what happened, I can’t be with you Harrison. As much as you bring my body pleasure, my heart and mind never leave my son. You are a great man, Harrison. You deserve a woman who can give you everything. I can’t, do you understand that now? I don’t even know how I’m going to handle being around Dina now.”

  Recognizing that this is it, Sophia really can’t be with me, I don’t feel as hurt as I thought I would. More so, I feel pain for my friend. The loss she has to face every single day. I miss Matt every single day, he’s my brother. I know he can’t come back to us though. What would it be like to know someone you love is out there, but you can‘t be with them? Slowly, I make my way to the door, conscious that Sophia is ready to let me go. She needs me to go. This is what she’s determined for herself and there is no convincing her otherwise. I lean down, hold her close, I kiss her forehead, and leave.

  Chapter 16

  All Work and No Play

  8 Months Later


  Work has kept me and Elodie busy. After the country club event, I haven’t heard a word from my father or Alex; granted I did change my phone number, but no one has shown up to try to talk to me. Elodie’s divorce is final. She moved out of her mom’s house. She and Josie now live within walking distance from my condo, in a charming little house that feels like it was made for them. Things are falling into place for both of us. Our friendship is rock solid and something I find to be important in my life. Never before did I miss having friends, until I realize what it is to have them.

  We are playing spa at her house, letting Josie paint our toenails, when my phone chimes. Maggie has text me.

  Wanna go to the beach house next weekend with us?

  “Elodie, Maggie is inviting me to their family beach house next weekend, what should I say?”

  “Duh, the answer is yes. Yes, I will go to the beach house and please make sure your super-hot brother is there so I can have some ‘quality time’ with him.” She says giggling and using air quotes as she says quality time.

  “I don’t know El. I haven’t seen him in over a year, our schedules just conflict too much. What if he doesn’t want me there? He isn’t the one inviting me, Maggie is. I’ve seen Maggie a few times when she’s hired us for events, I don’t know about being around him. We talk almost daily and yet he never invites me to visit. Maybe he doesn’t want to see me.” My phone chimes, another text alert.

  Pls, I wanna c u. Kenna is coming 2. It’s 4 Harry’s birthday. It’s a surprise and everyone is coming so don’t tell him. He thinks it’s just for the family. Pls come

  “It’s for his birthday Elodie. I should go. Everyone is going to surprise him.”

  Ok I reply with shaking fingers.

  Eeeeeekkkk u being there will b the best present of all. Thx ur the best

  The look on my face must show my insecurities. Elodie laughs.

  “Relax Tiff, all work and no play makes for a cranky friend. You’ve been going through the motions, time to live again. Worse case scenario, you’re at the beach hanging out with Maggie and Kenna.” Elodie says soothing my nerves.

  The days flew by as the beach weekend arrives before I knew it. I’m packed and on the road wondering what Harrison will say when he sees me. Will he have a girl with him? I know Sophia ended things and even when he tried to call her, she refused to speak to him about any of it. Eventually he gave up and I’m sure has moved on.


  “Hell no, I’m not going.” I’m trying to get my point across to my bull headed brother in law.

  “Lawson, your parents are expecting us. You can’t say no. Plus all work and no play make an irritable Harrison.”

  “I said no a week ago, no one listened. I don’t want to go to the beach house this weekend. Fuck off.” My anger is beginning to build.

  “Hey man, chill the fuck out. Dina and I are going with Lauren. You don’t want to miss out on Lauren’s first time in the sand and water, do you Uncle Harry?” Ryder smirks.

  “Shit, that’s low. You know I can’t resist that little girl. That’s my heart.” I reply shaking my head.

  “Fine. Fuck. Fine. I’ll go. I think it’s bullshit you used a baby against me. Damn it. I better be the first one to build a sand castle for her to crush.” Yes, that baby has me whipped. I will fight these boys to be the first one to give her something to make her smile.

  Leaving the shop early, I go home to pack a quick bag and hit the road. I call Tiffany on the way, but she doesn’t answer. I miss her, but she has her life established well now, I don’t want to intrude. It would be fun to have her at the beach house with me now that she’s comfortable with everyone. She and my mom share recipes and talk weekly. I don’t think she goes more than a day without some sort of text conversation with Maggie; those two can be thick as thieves. Maggie has taken on extra events down that way for an excuse to go hang out with Tiff. Cory, my brother, even vacationed in Augusta, Georgia. Maggie was visiting Tiffany so they both went and met him for lunch. Even Cory liked Tiffany. I never thought she would fit in with my family after I brought her home before. Yet, here we are, she’s as much a part of our family as Dina, Ryder, Brayden, Jake and Kenna. We may not be blood but we’re family.

  Pulling up to my parent’s home, I’m lost in my own thoughts. I don’t notice the familiar little car parked a driveway over. I walk in, immediately heading for the kitchen, not remotely prepared for the site before me. Tiffany has her back to me, standing side by side with my mom and sister behind the stove area as they are all prepping food for tonight’s meal. My instinct is to go behind her, wrap my arms around her and pull her to me. I control that thought and instead greet everyone.

  “Damn something smells good.”

  Tiffany is the first to turn around. Without a second thought, she runs over and throws her arms around me. I wasn’t expecting this, but damn she feels good in my arms. I pull her tight and whisper in her ear.